Saturday, April 3, 2010

A Little Honesty

Our family grape-vine is recently a-buzz with pregnancy news!  
And before you think it, no, it's not me! 
But this did get me to thinking, and when my middle child was the baby, I realized that there are no "oops" babies. 
Did you ever think about the miracle of conception? 
It's a wonder sperm and egg ever meet anyway, with all that works against them. 
(Kinda like finding Mr. Right!) 

Anyway, to be in the right time, right place, planets aligning and all that. 
A law that was set in motion, like cause and effect. 
"For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." 
All ramblin' aside, sex makes babies, and if we're surprised by that, maybe we shouldn't be having sex! 
Just my opinion.

1 comment:

  1. Man ain't that the truth.It's easier for women to keep it in their pants then it is for men.
