Everyone hits the road. Except me. I'm here. With six children. 11. 9. 5. 4. 2. 3 months. Not years. Months. And I hold him the whole time. And pray. And watch people come and go. Smell smoke. See smoke. Pray. And by the end of the day, the house is gone. And why is losing a thing like losing them all over again? Because now we can't even go back to their house. Where, at least my sister and I, spent so much time.
Here is where you may see what we saw that day, if you'd like. Dad and bro-in-law are in some of them; Dad burned his hand, other uncles are busy inside. I live, obviously if you've been here before, on the top of the hill. My grandparents' place is down the road, around the corner, down again, in the holler. Closer if you short-cut through the fields. Just down. So as the smoke rose, we could see it not just over the roof of my parents' place, who are on the other side of this hill, but drifting across the holler.
On a lighter note, we welcomed kittens this week! Four of 'em. And we get to go camping this weekend.
Oh, I forgot to tell you about the fishing trip! Well, let me catch you up... April 6 Missouri Department of Conservation provided a fishing clinic for the kids of our co-op. They are big on 'catch and release,' which is a good thing to learn. We bait, cast, reel 'em in (which is the most fun!), remove the hook, then send them back again. Each group, one morning and one afternoon, had two hours allotted for this. It was really nice. Also there are trails to walk, and a welcome center with displays and gift shop. I actually learned a lot this time: replacing fishhooks. At least 3. And I touched a fish, to release it All By Myself! I won't tell you how we did it when we were kids fishing in Dad's pond! I'm sure someone would frown :(
The water was muddy; it had recently rained. We were the first to fish this season. Everyone caught something! Either sun fish (which to me looks like perch), or channel catfish. My son caught one of each! He was really proud. There's a picture somewhere, I'll have to find it. Er-bear says she caught 5, and little sister had her first fish ever! Way to go kiddos!
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